
Going on to Perfection (or taking one more step)

by | Jan 17, 2017 | East District News Webpage, East District Newsletter

I want to talk to you today about intentional growth. So much of what happens in church life happens because of the calendar – or because “this is what we normally do.” You know what I’m talking about. Sunday School starts and stops because of the calendar. Many will offer a Lenten study because of the calendar. Some will go on a mission trip because this is what we normally do.

It is easy to be caught up in the cycles of calendars and what we usually do because all of those activities are good and meaningful. Yet with all of that, some of our churches are experiencing decline. Others are wanting to take new steps of vitality, but aren’t certain what those need to be. If you are nodding your head, then let me invite you to two opportunities.

First Opportunity – Saturday, February 11

District-Wide Leadership Training (We are changing the name to East District Local Church Discipleship Event) This one-day event will provide you with several opportunities to look at what your church is doing and how your church is doing it in a different light. Here are just a few of the workshops being offered. Click here to register

  • 3G Workshop – Grab, Gather, Grow – is a non-traditional approach to evangelism and discipleship development. If you are struggling with how to engage your people in reaching out to others with the love of Christ, how to empower people to pay attention to their spiritual lives, then this is a great workshop for you.
  • Just Say Yes – is a workshop on how to begin to take steps to becoming more missional as a local church. If you want to move beyond what you “normally” do to empower the entire congregation to grow in what it means to intentionally engage missionally, this workshop will not only share with you the five basic assumptions of a missional church, it will also provide practical steps to help you move in that direction.
  • Open Table – Many of our churches have been impressed with the Open Table pattern of coming alongside with someone in need as they take steps into new life. The challenge has been how to really bring that back to our local churches. This workshop will not only discuss the power Open Table has to bring about life transformation, it will also help you consider the steps you might take to starting an Open Table in your church.
  • Single Board Church Governance – There are times when the traditional church committee structure inhibits the dreams and possibilities of a church. (How many committees do you need to get a new idea into play?) This workshop will present a couple of models for a streamlined process that will empower the local church to focus on intentional ministry and growth.

Next week we will share about the other workshops planned for the District Event. You may get a sneak peek at https://dscumc.org/event/east-leadership-training-event/.

Second Opportunity – Saturday, March 18

Collaboration – A special one-day workshop designed for pastors and musicians. One of the ways we can make the worship experience powerful is working collaboratively to tie the spoken and sung messages together. We are blessed to have two national leaders work with us for this event. Dr. Marcia McFee and Mr. Chuck Bell. This workshop will enhance the relationship between the pastor and musicians. It will also help you go to the next level in planning for the most meaningful, memorable worship services possible. This workshop costs only $25 per person and includes lunch. Make it a priority on your calendar. Make it a priority for your worship. Click here for more information and to register

Look at your calendar – Make these events a priority and sign up today. Make growing in your faith, in knowledge, in skill an intentional decision that leads to action.

Let’s grow together.
N Susan Brims Signature
Rev. N. Susan Brims


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Author: Susan Brims

The Desert Southwest Conference is a diverse and loving organization with open doors to a variety of people and partners in ministry. Celebrating our connection and diversity, we offer various resources. Content on this site includes information from other organizations that may not reflect the official policies or Social Principles of The United Methodist Church or the Desert Southwest Conference.

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