
Is your church interested in an easy way to stay connected with your winter visitors during the summer? Would any of your church committees or church ministries benefit from video conference capabilities to meet with younger families anytime and any place?

If your church is interested in extending its ministry via video conferencing, contact me at cdillabough@dscumc.org. If you want a little guidance on how to get started or want to hear about the struggles we encountered at the Conference offices when we started video conferencing, give me a call.

After researching and trying several different cost-saving options, our best experience was with zoom.us and Logitec equipment. Both have multiple options for large gatherings and one-on-one meetings.

What does my church need?

The cost for zoom.us varies depending on the number of people hosting video conference meetings and the capabilities you need. Each person hosting will need their own PRO license at $20 per month.

At the Conference, we worked our way up to a final video conference design that meets our needs. But we tried many inexpensive solutions along the way that might just work for a local church need. If you’re thinking about a video conference solution, don’t wait, call or email and I’ll share what I’ve learned.

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Author: Christina Dillabough

The Desert Southwest Conference is a diverse and loving organization with open doors to a variety of people and partners in ministry. Celebrating our connection and diversity, we offer various resources. Content on this site includes information from other organizations that may not reflect the official policies or Social Principles of The United Methodist Church or the Desert Southwest Conference.

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