
By Jill Cristina-Krebs, Chair of Dove the Desert UMC Board of Church & Society, and member of the Desert Southwest Conference Board of Church & Society

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy (1 Corinthian 4:2, ESV)

What is the current situation on clean energy resources in Arizona?

  • Arizona generates only 6% from solar energy sources. We are one of the lowest producers of clean energy in the country and have one of the lowest Renewable Portfolio Standards Policies in the nation.
  • Arizona’s largest investor-owned electric utility company, APS is adamantly opposing the Clean Energy for Healthy Arizona plan. APS’ proposed 15-year plan has no new large-scale solar plants. Instead, they plan for massive multi-billion dollar fossil fuel-fired power plants increasing their gas-fired power capacity from 57% to 66% by 2032.
  • APS’ parent company Pinnacle West Corp has poured $7.53 million into opposing Prop 127, which includes a high volume of media propaganda.
  • Over the last five years, solar jobs have grown 9 times faster than the U.S. economy as a whole, but Arizona has actually lost solar jobs.
  • Prop 127 will support an additional 15,800 direct and indirect full-time jobs by 2030. These clean energy jobs would generate $12 billion in wages and $2.2 billion in economic activity by 2030.
  • The Clean Energy for Arizona plan can reliably meet 50% of the state’s electricity needs by renewable energy by 2030.
  • Philanthropist, Environmentalist, and Activist Tom Steyer founder of the non-profit organization NextGen America has supported donated $4.5 million into supporting Prop 127 along with other clean energy and climate care initiatives.

What does the United Methodist Social Principles say?

I. The Natural World

■      B) Energy Resources Utilization states “The whole earth is God’s good creation and as such has inherent value. We are aware that the current utilization of energy resources threatens this creation at its very foundation. As members of the United Methodist Church we are committed to approaching creation, energy production and especially creation’s resources in a responsible, careful and economic way. We call upon all to take measures to save energy…We strongly advocate for the priority of the development of renewable energies….and the use of nuclear power is no solution for avoiding CO2 emissions.”

Who supports and who opposes Prop 127?

  • Arizona Democratic Governor Candidate David Garcia supports Prop 127 and states that as temperatures rise in Arizona, we must move to sources of energy production that reverse the effects of climate change. Solar energy in Arizona is an obviously good idea that has been stifled by those protecting market share and their personal bottom lines for too long.
  • Incumbent Republican Governor Doug Ducey opposes Prop 127 and further acknowledges that he signed legislation earlier this year with the specific intent of allowing utilities to ignore the mandate proposed in Proposition 127 by paying a minimal fine.
  • Supporters of Prop 127 include Arizona Faith Network, Arizona Interfaith Power and Light, Arizona Public Health Association and Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship. You can look up additional supporters of Prop 127 at cleanhealthyaz.com under the Endorsers Tab.
  • Opposers of Prop 127 include Arizona Association for Economic Development, Arizona Manufacturer Council, Real AZ Development Council, and the Goldwater Institute. You can look up additional opposers of  Prop 127 at votenoprop127.com under the Coalition Against Prop 127 tab.

How to vote according to your conscience on Prop 127?

  • Read politically neutral and scientifically recognized sources to learn facts about renewable energy sources compared to fossil fuel energy sources.
  • Read the Clean Energy for Healthy Arizona plan and compare it to the Arizonans for Affordable Electricity plan.
  • Review and reflect on the Social Principles of God’s plan for the good for all.
  • Seek God’s wisdom in scripture and pray for God’s guidance before casting your vote.
  • Armed with information, whatever you decide, please remember to vote this November.


Cleanhealthyaz.com; nextgenamerica.org; Seia.org; conservativestewards.org; energyandpolicy.org; The Arizona Ground Game; Arizona Public Square; United Methodist Social Principles 2017-2020; English Standard  Version Bible

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Author: DSC Communications

The Desert Southwest Conference is a diverse and loving organization with open doors to a variety of people and partners in ministry. Celebrating our connection and diversity, we offer various resources. Content on this site includes information from other organizations that may not reflect the official policies or Social Principles of The United Methodist Church or the Desert Southwest Conference.

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