
Don’t Return to Normal! Re-Launch Instead!

by | May 20, 2020 | New Faith Communities, Conference Newsletter

COVID 19 has changed the way we do church. Church leaders have had to learn new ways of being together. For many, this has been a gift. New tools for worship, meetings, and how to make giving easier have been discovered, improved upon, and celebrated. There have been more visitors to many of our online worship services than ever seen in our church buildings. So, what will happen when the day comes, and it will when we can return to our buildings and be together physically? It would be a lost opportunity if we went back to what was “normal” because “normal” has not been working for most of us.

New church starts must plan for the launch of their opening worship service. Often, they find themselves in a situation when they need to relaunch. This is usually the case when they move to a new worshiping location. To relaunch, they create a marketing plan and an impact-event for the community.

What if our churches decide to relaunch when we return to our buildings? What if our churches start planning now for such a relaunch?

Path 1 is the General Church agency that provides resources for congregations who want to create new places for new people. Two new resources are designed to help prepare churches to relaunch.

Click on the following two items to access the resources:

If your church is interested in exploring how to relaunch and you could use some help, contact your District Superintendent or the office of New & Vital Faith Communities at dmcpherson@dscumc.org.


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Author: Dave McPherson

The Desert Southwest Conference is a diverse and loving organization with open doors to a variety of people and partners in ministry. Celebrating our connection and diversity, we offer various resources. Content on this site includes information from other organizations that may not reflect the official policies or Social Principles of The United Methodist Church or the Desert Southwest Conference.

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