

Grace and Peace to you.

The Apostle Paul began all his letters to his churches with a greeting. Paul had never visited Rome, and he was concerned that he was not being taken seriously in Corinth. So, his letters often listed his credentials. Paul’s list of credentials is long. In my Life Application Study Bible, it lists 32 credentials for Paul, not to mention his educational background. But Paul did not want to be boastful of his credentials. It was his way of introducing himself to the churches and showing what qualifications he had to be instructing them in The Way.

As a newly elected Associate District Lay Leader, I would like to offer my credentials as a way of introduction and qualifications to do the job I have been called to do. Most definitely not to boast.

Joyce Trevolt, Sunrise UMC

  • My name is Joyce Trevolt.
  • I am a lifelong Methodist/United Methodist.
  • Raised at Clover Hill UMC in Virginia.
  • I am a charter member of Sunrise UMC, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • I am a member of the Laity.
  • At Sunrise UMC, I am a former Ad Council/Single Board Governance chair, Worship chair, Treasurer, and Finance secretary.
  • I have served as a liturgist, usher/greeter, and PowerPoint/sound board tech.
  • I have participated in the study of Disciple I, II, III, and IV as well as facilitated Disciple I and IV.
  • I have facilitated or participated in small group studies including The Alpha Course, Prayer of Jabez, Secrets of the Vine, Fruits of the Spirit, Purpose Driven Life, Doing Life Together, Christian Believer, Companions in Christ, Is this the End and more.
  • I have read the likes of A. W. Tozer, Deidrick Bonhoeffer, Thomas Merton, Jeanne Guyon, Brother Lawrence, Dalai Lama, Dr. David Jeremiah, Joyce Meyers, and other Christian writers.
  • Served on The Arizona Walk to Emmaus as a “cookie,” table leader, and Assistant Lay Director, Lay Director, and as a member of the Board.
  • I have taken numerous Lay Servant classes and am a Certified Lay Speaker.
  • When requested, I have spoken at several churches in the West District.

As a newbie to the position of Associate District Lay leader, I hope my credentials will be of value as I work with appointed churches to get the laity more involved in the mission of the church. As well as to help the churches connect with one another to support and grow in spreading the Good News.

Grace and Peace,
Joyce Trevolt

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Author: Joyce Trevolt

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