
West District Lay Leader(s) Blog

Puzzle missing one piece
The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece

You who read the Guidepost magazine, may recognize “Mysterious Ways.” A small article that appears in each of the issues. They normally are written by someone who would like a sign from a loved one; a sign that help is on the way or just something to remind them they are loved by God. A missing puzzle piece was not something that should have been a mysterious way.

Words! Words! Words!

Words! Words! Words!

Those sounds, formed by linking letters together, can create many different emotions. Some words can be hurtful – some loving – some disparaging – some calming – some painful – some healing – some that we wish we had not spoken – some we wish we had shared with someone who is no longer in our lives.

Do you feel good?

Do you feel good?

No, really, do you feel good during the holiday seasons? When we think about holiday seasons, a "to do list" seems to magically appear out of nowhere. Here's the levels of anxiousness.

Spending Time with God

Spending Time with God

How excited are you to spend time with someone who knows everything about you? Sometimes, not so much. Do I really want to be around my father, who knows I have fallen short of his expectations? Knowing you have not lived up to what you are capable of, and He knows this. We hope we are still loved, knowing what we have done. I don’t know about you, but there were times when I did not want to be around my earthly father because of what I had done, much less my heavenly Father.

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