
How to reach new people

Reaching new people

Reaching new people

Create an entry point to reach new people that is inviting, interesting and that you can be excited about. Rev Brandon Moll shares what his church did. They realized that they needed to do something to stop the decline and soon closure of their church. They still had 25 actives, so they got to work and created "ports of entry" to which they were excited to invite someone new. First UMC of Webster now has 75 on average in worship.

How to reach new people tune up

How to reach new people tune up

Note: the information below has been updated as of 9 a.m. on 1/25. Please note that it's not an open invitation to ALL North District churches.

Churches that participated in last August's "How to Reach New People" workshop with Jim Griffith are encouraged to invite as many people as possible to increase their teams in the 'How to reach new people tune up' coming up in February, as the follow-up event is open to new participants from those churches, not just the people who attended the first workshop.

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