
Reaching new people

Reaching new people

Reaching new people

Create an entry point to reach new people that is inviting, interesting and that you can be excited about. Rev Brandon Moll shares what his church did. They realized that they needed to do something to stop the decline and soon closure of their church. They still had 25 actives, so they got to work and created "ports of entry" to which they were excited to invite someone new. First UMC of Webster now has 75 on average in worship.

Reaching new people: Are you waiting for people to come to your church?

Reaching new people: Are you waiting for people to come to your church?

It is hardly a lightning-bolt revelation to say that the culture has changed and is changing ever more rapidly. Today, we have a couple of generations of people whose parents and grandparents didn't go to church and didn't pass on any religious heritage. How likely do you think it is that these folk are going to just show up at our front door?

On Mission with Dan

On Mission with Dan

Steve James, one of our Reaching New People coaches reminds us "when we encourage each other to get out of the castle and connect with people in our community, that is the first step in making disciples." Steve links us to this 2-minute clip of Pastor Francis Chan. The clip is worth your while to view.

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