
Praying Our Way Forward

We hope that you will share resources here to guide our prayer efforts over the next week. Best of all, we know that God is with us as we pray and so let us pray our way forward together.

Find out how other United Methodists are engaging their communities in prayer.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing!” the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 invite faithful followers of Jesus to place prayer at the center of life. John Wesley, one of the founders of the Methodist Movement called prayer “the breath of our spiritual life” a direct channel of life-giving grace between human beings and God.

As General Conference begins this week United Methodists around the world are joining together in prayer. These prayers echo Jesus’ call to prayer for all disciples – provision us God, guide us God, forgive us God, bless us God, work through and in and around and beyond us God, and let our lives and ministry be a reflection of You O God. We hope that you will use the resources here to guide your prayer efforts over these next weeks.

“Do not be diligent in one kind of prayer and negligent in others; if we desire our petitions answered, let us use all.” – John Wesley

Other Prayer Resources

Daily Devotional Guide For Feb. 21-26

Daily Prayer Vigil

Personal prayer schedule & share your prayer!

Prayer Resource for Sunday Feb. 24